Last night I got a virus on my machine! CRAP!! It kept telling me to buy this Windows Security Software and wouldn't let me go to any other web site except that one. I couldn't even do a system restore!! WTF!!!????!!!
I just got through reformatting the hard drive and now I got to put all my stuff back on. GRRRR!!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Posted by Chip at 6:02 PM 1 comments
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Winter Wonderland

Posted by Chip at 7:19 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Final update and promise
Ok, right now we are doing fine. I promise I will keep this blog updated as long as I can. Who knows...maybe because of Obama we'll all be in socialist work camps by the end of the summer making tractors for glorious leader!
Posted by Chip at 4:42 PM 1 comments
Some more updates.

Posted by Chip at 4:37 PM 0 comments
More Catching Up
Posted by Chip at 4:35 PM 0 comments
I know, I know...
It's been a real long time since I've posted and I know you all are probably wondering what the hell has been going on.
Well...I'll try and catch everybody up since I posted last August. I restrained myself from posting anything about the Cowboys, and they ended up winning the NFC East and their first play off game since 1996. They sucked against the Vikings, but then I guess the first round bye does help.
In October, the Frau became an American citizen so now she can't be deported! WOO HOO!! We drove into Dallas he night before and got up real early to get to her appointment which took all of 20 minutes. Then they told her to come back at 2:00pm to swear in. So while we waited we drove down to Arlington and check out the new Cowboys Stadium.
Posted by Chip at 4:21 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 24, 2009
A Tough, Yet Happy Day.
Yesterday Alex and I dropped Jessica off at the University of North Texas, Honor's College. She has a real nice room and a nice roommate. I believe she will do great and wonderful thingsShe has her own room, but she shares a common area with her roommate Stephanie. We got her unpacked and took care of the important things such as hooking up the TV, making sure there was an internet connection, and the Ramen Noodles were easily accessible.
The hard part of all this realizing our little girl is all grown up and moving on into the big, bright,and sometimes scary world. But like I said before, she will be fine. We are only two hours away and the phones are always by our sides. We wish her well, and will always love her.
Posted by Chip at 8:59 PM 1 comments
Monday, June 8, 2009
Sheppard Profile
Ok...Here's the deal. In Wichita Falls, on of the local news channels comes out to the base and video tapes a selected area that they deem newsworthy and then edits it into a little piece for the news and they call it Sheppard Profile. This time they decided to do my video department, not the greatest job, but it'll do. They certainly didn't put in all of the good quotes we said. they just made it a little comical. Enjoy!
Posted by Chip at 6:25 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Moby dick on Fire Island
We got bored at work one Friday afternoon. After all...the Air Force only works half a day on Fridays!!
Posted by Chip at 5:07 PM 2 comments
Monday, April 13, 2009
You Gotta Love Wal-Mart
Yesterday I went to Wal-Mart to pick up a thing or two and as I was walking in a guy ran out with a camera in one hand and a lady's purse in the other hand and the Wal-Mart security team close behind. They tackled this guy in the parking lot, and when they let him up he started swinging and connecting a few punches, then the police arrived and ordered him to lie down on the ground, but he wouldn't (Dumb Ass!). So the cop pulled out, what I thought was a pistol but turned out to be a taser pistol, and lit that guy up like the 4th of July!! His arms were flung out to his side and his eyes got real wide and he pissed his pants. What a show!! The only regret was that I didn't have a video camera.
That made my day.
Posted by Chip at 11:47 AM 2 comments